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Jul 21, 2016 behind Kickass Torrents - the world's biggest online piracy website and operator of the illegal file-sharing site, which went live in 2008. KickassTorrents (commonly abbreviated KAT) is a website, founded in 2008, that On 21 April 2011, KickassTorrents moved to the new domain name  Dec 16, 2016 Very sad that i can't register on the new kickass website, also sad This will activate your passkey, allowing you to login on the torrents side. Dec 17, 2016 KickassTorrents, formerly the world's largest torrent site, has been a site that looks like the original KAT and relaunched it as Step 2. Navigate to enemy site and launch. Launch all vessels! Step 3. Go wild. KICK SOME ASS! Brag amongst your friends with new highscores! Highscores  

Jun 11, 2020 The new Kickass Torrents now also recognized as KAT or kickass proxy is one The proxy site enables you to reach a website indirectly so the 

Jun 26, 2020 KickAss Torrents was leading torrent website that commenced its operations in the year 2008. It became popular over time and even  KickassTorrents (KAT) was a website that provided an online directory for torrent 5 Best Kickass Torrents Alternatives and Best Kickass Proxy List [2020 New].

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FermĂ© en juillet, le site de tĂ©lĂ©chargement de torrent Kickass Torrent refait surface. (CCM) — En juillet dernier, le trĂšs populaire site de tĂ©lĂ©chargement Kickass Torrent fermait Kickass Torrent, le site de tĂ©lĂ©chargement illĂ©gal le plus cĂ©lĂšbre au monde est mort ! Les autoritĂ©s amĂ©ricaines ont arrĂȘtĂ© son fondateur et propriĂ©taire.

KickassTorrents (commonly abbreviated KAT) was a website that provided a directory for torrent files and magnet links to facilitate peer-to-peer file sharing using 

Jul 20, 2016 ARTEM VAULIN, 30, of Kharkiv, Ukraine, allegedly owns and operates Kickass Torrents, or KAT, a commercial website that since 2008 has  May 2, 2020 This popular website that provided a directory for torrent files and magnet links has Unfortunately for KickassTorrents, its rapid rise to fame was alert as soon as a new episode of your favorite TV show becomes available. Jul 21, 2016 The Walt Disney Company The Ukrainian man allegedly behind Kickass Torrents — the world's biggest online piracy website — has been  Aug 15, 2016 Anxiously awaiting the return of Kickass Torrents? KAT was one of the most popular torrent sites on the Internet, offering hundreds of millions  Apr 27, 2017 Kickass Torrents and its related proxy websites will be blocked under case between several music studios and internet service providers (ISPs). Turnbull unveils new tech ministers in Cabinet reshuffle · ACCC kicks off  Oct 8, 2016 The popular torrent site is under heavy fire from the Feds. “Most-Visited Illegal File-Sharing Website” on the internet, Kickass Torrents, took a  May 1, 2017 When you shut down popular torrent sites like KickAssTorrents, you're bound to But Australia's new court order probably won't work at all. other KAT administrators and moderators, promised not to recreate the website.

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Kickass Torrents repart de zĂ©ro Le nouveau projet ne peut pas se fonder sur l'ancien site, rendu inopĂ©rant. Mais les administrateurs, les modĂ©rateurs de KickassTorrents et du nouveau projet Hier, nous vous parlions de l’arrestation en Pologne de Artem Vaulin, le fondateur du site Kickass Torrent. Pourtant, 24 heures seulement aprĂšs la fermeture du site, voilĂ  qu’un site clone Au dĂ©but ce site ne me plaisait pas, je vous l’avoue mais j’ai appris Ă  l’apprĂ©cier. Et aujourd’hui il est difficile de m’en passer. YTS.AG est rĂ©putĂ© pour la qualitĂ© de ses torrents pour un poids mini. Le site vous offre aussi la possibilitĂ© d’ajouter des sous-titres. Le site de partage de fichiers torrent KickAss Torrents a Ă©tĂ© fermĂ©, mais plusieurs clones sont dĂ©jĂ  en place. Symbole de la trĂšs complexe lutte contre le piratage, pour les autoritĂ©s et